VK began testing the audio on the users

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VK began testing on their users the audio. About it reports the vc.ru with reference to the statement of the representative of the social network of Eugene Krasnikov.

Now VK is testing the audio only on the "few percent" of users, so the "chance to catch the infomercial while close to zero," said Krasnikov. The exact percentage of the users sampled for testing, he said. On its own, according to Facebook, the monthly audience of the social network more than 90 million users.

Testing is conducted only in the web version of the social network. Promotional audio clip is played after the completion of the track. The completion of the test and full launch of advertisements for all users Krasnikov was not called. He also found it difficult to answer the question of the first advertisers, the terms of cooperation with them and their capabilities, "snap" videos to specific musical compositions.

"About all this will be ready to talk after the test, when the new ad format will be available to the public" - said Krasnikov.
We will remind, the first tests of ads in the audio recordings of VK in mid-October of 2016, said one of the users who found the opportunity to broadcast audio advertising in the code of the music player network.

Earlier Mail.Ru Group reported that before the end of 2016 ad will appear not only in the audio recordings of VK, but also in other projects of the company, including Classmates.

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