VK to share with the community advertising profit

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Social network VK is going to propose to the administrators of the communities instead of direct placements of ads the opportunity to get a share of the profits of the VK for the placement of entries in the news feed. About this in his speech at IGCONF announced development Director at VK Alexander Kruglov.

From next year the community will be able to include the placement of the records from VK. Instead of Direct publications and advertising of the Exchange, VK will show additional Ad wall posts community and in the news feed subscribers.

If the administrators of the community will agree with this proposal, the social network promises to share part of the proceeds from the sale of advertising posts posted on the page of the communities and in the news feed of users. Thus the company intends to fight the so-called "gray" is in the social network.

According to Alexander Kruglov, "grey" advertisement is not like any users or administrators of communities.

"Now they have to put her to work, but these promotional posts are often annoying users," — said a top Manager.
  • The advantages of the new scheme:
  • The administrator group do not need to take any action for income generation;
  • The quality of the audience greatly affects revenue.
  • The quality of advertising is significantly enhanced by personalization and moderation;
  • Ad load on users is not changed;
  • Advertising impressions and revenue administrators will become more stable.

Testing split of advertising revenue between the site administrators and the company will begin in January 2017. Offer the social network extends to communities that have between half a million subscribers, and create unique content. Contributions will be determined individually with each group.

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