VK added API methods to create a promotional record button

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Team VK stated about adding to the API the possibility of creating a hidden advertising of records and record buttons, call-to-action. Now third-party developers access to the full functionality of promotional records through the API.

To hidden posts, you can add buttons, call to action: Navigate, Open, Buy, Register, Set, Contact, Fill and others. Button explains what will happen when pressed, increases the CTR.

Read more about methods can be found in the documentation vk.com/dev/wall.postAdsStealth and vk.com/dev/wall.editAdsStealth.

The hidden promotional recordings appeared in the community VK in September 2016. Now 60% of the records promoted in the news feed is hidden publication.

Hidden entries are created specifically for advertising and does not appear in the community. This helps to test ads for different audiences.

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