VK updates location-based advertising

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Team VK announced about the update of location-based advertising. Now, when you configure ads to available several user categories, which are:

  • reside in this area;
  • working or studying in this area;
  • regularly visit;
  • located in the specified region right now (only for ad records on mobile devices): the maximum possible radius of this configuration is 5 kilometers from a given point.

Geo-targeting can be used with all available advertising formats VK: posts in communities and promotional post with buttons, small textual-graphical blocks, advertising blocks to promote communities. And by combining geolocation with other types of targeting now all users can get unique settings audience: people of a certain age or sex, interested in certain subjects; those who have in this day birthday, or those who have already visited the advertiser's website or leave contact details with the help of retargeting.

Previously, at the end of December 2016 Facebook had the opportunity to place ads in specific locations — retail or office centers, metro stations or railway stations.

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