VK launches mailing for communities

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Team VK announced about the launch of the new application for communities — Mailing. With this app administrators can send newsletters to subscribers via the post community. They are available text messages, images, documents, maps — all messages of the communities.

E-mail can be send to one or may list of contacts and also administrator can use delayed sending, specifying the desired date and time. The developers of VK developed simplified the migrating from other mailing services, user lists can be imported from files .txt and .csv.

The application allows you to select a list of users that will receive emails and test it:
VK mailing

To subscribe can any user: user must select theme of messages and to allow the community to send private messages.

You can add an application to the community and to set thematic distribution: news digests from media, latest updates from stores, discounts and last minute offers from travel agencies. Administrator can create several different themed lists, so that users are able to opt for the content.

Ilya Ilyukhin, representative of service Skyscanner stated:

We launched the app mailing in mid-December and has already gained 4 000 subscribers. The goal is to help travelers to save on airline tickets, and three themes to choose from: competitive rates of day, discounts and promotions of airlines and helpful tips.
Due to the fact that the subscriber chooses a topic distribution, relevance of the content compared to the news above. Even if the subscriber does not notice the post community in the tape, digest with links appear in personal messages. In this case, it is impossible to miss the new sale KLM or a useful tip when it is better to book the tickets

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