VK interface to transfer the rights of the owner community

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Team VK announced about the appearance of the owners of the communities, complete transfer of rights to community another person. In addition, now the Creator community will be called not just an administrator, but his "owner". The owner cannot be deprived of administrative rights, and he will be able to assign a new owner.

The transferability of the rights of the owner are available to communities with less than 100,000 people. In the future this restriction will be removed. You can transfer ownership through the window of the appointment of the new head:


After the appointment of the new owner from the former owner will have 14 days to cancel the transfer community. This can be done through the message in the notification center in the "cap" of the site. After this period, notification of the transfer of rights will disappear and the community will not be back.


Team VK emphasizes that a new interface designed specifically for the transfer of rights, not for sale communities. Trade community VK prohibited in accordance with clause 6.3.13. vk.com/terms. This also applies to the possession of the community.

Unfortunately, the Support for VK will not be able to help if the leaders of the community will go to the violation of the site rules and will be deceived when buying or selling communities. The responsibility for possible negative consequences in this situation is purely on the violators. Also, the team VK recalls that the change of subject communities is prohibited.

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