VK will disable public API for working with audio

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16 Dec www.vk.com will disable public API for working with audio. As reported in the official sources, the upcoming changes will not affect audioreader in the web version of the site and trusted applications, but third-party apps will not be able to access most of the methods section audio.

"Since 2011, we have begun the transition to legitimate use of content owners. Cooperation with the major studios allows VK to post exclusive tracks, announce new albums and artists to improve the service as a whole.

In this case, we are forced to take on certain obligations in regard to combating copyright infringement. This means that VK cannot save audio public API for third-party applications in its current form", — stated in the message of the social network.

Team VK understands that as a result, many apps may completely stop working or lose a significant part of its capabilities, but in most cases, unfortunately, will not be able to offer an alternative.

Recall that in early September of 2016 , it became knownthat VK stopped issuing audio recordings owned by right holders, third-party music applications. Then, using VK API, you can only access the music that is freely available on the Internet.

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