Telegram messenger users in Russia for the year increased by 3 times

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The Russian audience of Telegram in January of 2017 has reached 6 million active users. As reported Vedomosti, citing data from the Analytics service Combot, for the year the user base of Russia has increased three times.

This applies to those who use Telegram on a monthly basis, it 60% of all users which downloaded applications in Russia and about 6% of the global base of active users of messenger. The most active users of Telegram in Iran — about 35-40 million people.

An employee of one of the mobile operators, based on data on the number of users of Telegram in their networks and market share of the operator, told Vedomosti that stated Combot figures are correct. Their reliability is also confirmed by people working for the company-competitor Telegram.

According to date of analyst firm App Annie, Telegram is in the top 5 apps in the category Social Network for Russian AppStore with WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber and Skype. The messenger sidestepped in this category are Facebook, OK, Periscope and Facebook Messenger. Among all apps of iOS Telegram on the 20th place in Russia, among all apps of Android — 39.

Previously that in early 2017 in a Telegram has the opportunity to cancel sending of messages. The ability to edit sent messages were added to the Telegram in may 2016. In August, the messenger appeared storage file in September – masks and gifs, and in December – pinned the chat and integration with IFTTT.

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