62% of companies local business in the United States buy advertising in Facebook

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For according to a new report, Borrell Associates, 78% of companies local business in the United States there is a page in Facebook, and 62% of them buy ads on the social network.

2.5 million U.S. businesses spend on Facebook on average $1.5 million per year. The sample includes both small businesses and larger companies.

85% of organizations that participated in the study, there is a page in at least one social network. Of these, 96% are present on Facebook. Snapchat was not included in this list (perhaps it was not offered as an option for selection).


The experts also studied the interaction with social media among representatives of different categories of business. For example, 94% of car dealers have a page in Facebook, 82 percent place ads on the social network. In the TV industry, the ratio is 92% and 78%, respectively.


The best sources for attracting new customers considered recommendations, websites and social media. It is noteworthy that the search advertising and SEO are not included in this list.


A significant proportion of respondents (44%) were described as "experts in social media"because they use social media as the only channel to attract customers. This group is characterized by the following features:

  • It's a small, old and independent company with gross revenue of less than $1 million a year.
  • In most cases, they have an office in one. Network of branches missing. In addition, they often focused on individual customers (B2C) and corporate (B2B).
  • 76% manage their profiles in social networks independently.
  • 57% pay for promoting their posts.
These companies are also more likely to reduce spending on traditional advertising.
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