LinkedIn is looking for a meeting with Roskomnadzor

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Social network LinkedIn has addressed in Roskomnadzor with the request to meet to discuss the transfer of personal data of Russian users on Russian territory. APTLD proposal received and sent a request for information to other departments, particularly the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation. About this was announced RIA Novosti, citing a statement by the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy.

The appeal of LinkedIn to the Russian regulator happened last week, after Roskomnadzor has taken the decision to block access to social networks. The reason for blocking LinkedIn is the violation of the law on personal data.

According to Vadim Ampelonskiy, Roskomnadzor ready to meet with representatives of LinkedIn if there is no objection from other departments:

"We have requested the position of other agencies, particularly the Ministry of foreign Affairs and the Ministry of communications on this issue. If the Agency, in order that this meeting agree, okay we are ready to spend".
Recall that LinkedIn is not the only major resource in violation of the law on the storage of information about users in Russia, Twitter and Facebook have not moved their server capacity with data about Russian users in Russia. Presumably not fulfilled this requirement and Google. Roskomnadzor every question about the future of the global sites says that is in dialogue with their leadership. Therefore, it is not clear, for some reason LinkedIn has become the first blocked the law on data storage resource.
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