The cost per lead in category real estate for the six months increased by 20%

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The cost of the call with contextual advertising in real estate grew by 20% in six months. To such conclusion experts of the analytical service Calltouch, conducted a study of advertising campaigns developers in the Central region of Russia. So, in the first quarter of the cost of customer acquisition (lead) with contextual advertising was 4-4,5 thousand rubles, and in the third quarter it amounted to 5-6 thousand rubles.

The rising cost Lida is associated with falling real estate prices in Russia on average by 20% in 2 years. Also, in the first half of 2016, the number of constructed facilities decreased by 35% compared to the same period in 2013. The market situation and increased competition lead to the fact that builders and developers have much to reduce costs at different stages of the business, so increased the price of keywords, which caused an increase in the cost of bringing the Lida with contextual advertising. The average percentage of conversion to a unique call from contextual advertising today — 0,9-1%.

However, real estate remains one of the target buyers of contextual advertising. Thus, the volume of purchases of builders and developers (including rural property) on contextual advertising for October 2016 is 7.65 percent in relation to all expenditure on the context (4th place in the consumption structure of contextual advertising).

According to analysts Calltouch, a fairly high percentage of conversion is in the range from 0.93% to 1.22% — give specialized sites and aggregators. The largest of these sites-classifide such as and They bring the highest number of calls in the company of developers, compared to other similar sites. According to the study, was the most high converting web ads on sites (1,52%) and (conversion in call of 1.47%) and placement of banners on the project "the CYANOGEN Group" (the conversion of the bell of 1.47%).

The study also showed that the number of transitions from mobile devices and tablets in real estate is 37%, while the share of desktop audience declines. Despite the fact that traffic from smartphones is still lower than with computers, the rate of conversion in a unique call from mobile devices is gradually increasing. According to a joint study from Google, the cost per click on smartphones is less than 30%, and the level of competition in mobile search is on average 23% lower than search ads on desktops.

Pavel Frolov, head of advertising Department "of AM development":

"For the real estate if we talk about the division between mobile traffic and desktop traffic, of course, in our understanding, need to go to mobile traffic. In addition, the main trend now is personalization. In our understanding, personalization is the maximum audience segmentation and the relevance of USP (unique selling proposals) for this audience. At the same time, using existing market tools of personalization, we can experiment with any advertising sources, configure them and improve their efficiency due to selection of relevant UTP".
With regard to promotion in social networks, most often for promoting a property is used Vkontakte and Facebook, the results of the study suggest that advertising on Facebook brings a greater number of users and unique calls than in Vkontakte — 65% against 35%. At the same time, the conversion rate in a unique ring with both social networking differs only slightly, by 0.8% in the Facebook and 0.7% in Vkontakte.

Anna Gusyatnikoff, commercial Director of MediaGuru:

"Today, the market came a flood of targeted applications, thanks to Facebook remarketing and dynamic social networks. The cream is collected by those advertisers who have learned to use new tools in contextual and targeted advertising. Of course, the high percentage of conversion have branded queries. On the second place in popularity are geo-dependent queries, and queries on the competition. If to speak about forecasts, the first thing I would advise to pay attention to the Analytics for a particular website: after all, what's good for one may be absolutely useless for others. Universal prescription in this case. In our practice a leading position in the number of applications is still in platform Facebook (with properly configured and detailed ad)".
lead real estate
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