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Google has banned its employees to travel to Russia without a special permit

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Google has banned its non-key employees American to come to Russia without special permission of the legal Department of the company. About it reports the edition Firrma, in possession of a letter from chief Google Evangelist Jamie Kashyapa sent them to the Russian organizers of one of the IT events.

"Unfortunately, I have very bad news. I have just been informed by the legal Department of Google that are not able to accept this invitation. They can't give me what I need approval for this trip. All non-key Google employees can't go to Russia without the written permission of the head. Apparently, this is due to some legal acts of the Russian government against Google, that concern the company", – said in the letter.
We will remind, FAS Russia in the end of 2015, acknowledged Google is abusing a monopoly position in the market of mobile applications for devices running the Android operating system and ordered to eliminate violations, in particular, to stop device manufacturers to prohibit pre-third-party service developers.

Google challenged the decision of FAS in court and lost in the first and second instances.

20 September 2016 FAS began an administrative investigation against Google because it had received from the Corporation notice of the implementation of its provisions. The results of the investigation, 2 November 2016, the Federal Antimonopoly service has imposed two fines on the structure of Google for a total amount of RUB 1 million and gave another two weeks to fix.

Now the courts will in parallel consider three cases Google to FAS: in addition to the regulations, the Corporation is contesting the validity of the principal and additional penalties for violation of antitrust laws.

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URL parameters of the Google search engine results page
There is a possibility to adjust the results for the base query (which corresponds to the value of the parameter q or as_q ) using a number of get-parameters of the format variable=value used in the URL of the page of search results after the substring /search? . The use of these parameters can be very useful when parsing search results.
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