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Google will simplify the ability to report about offensive search autocomplete suggestions

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Google testing a new way of sending messages about offensive search autocomplete suggestions. Soon such possibility will appear directly under this block:

google search suggestions reporting

At the moment, access innovation has received only a small percentage of Google users. In the future it will be launched on a wider scale.

A company representative confirmed the test:

"Autocomplete predictions are based on searches previously carried out by users around the world. That means that predicted terms are sometimes unexpected or offensive. We have been actively working on improvements to our algorithm that will help surface more high quality, credible content on the web. In addition, we’re experimenting with a new feature that allows people to report offensive Search predictions. We’re working to incorporate such feedback into our algorithms, and we hope to roll this out more broadly over time. Autocomplete isn’t an exact science and we’re continually working to improve it."

In the present report offensive suggestions through the form at the Google Help center. Add this possibility directly into the block with the suggestions will make it easier use for users of this task.

Google has been repeatedly criticized for unacceptable search suggestions.

google feedback
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