Facebook found another mistake in their measurements

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Facebook found a new error in their measurements. This time we are talking about viewing the "instant articles".

Recently it became clear that the social network did not take into account traffic from the iPhone to some publishers using the format of the Instant Article.

The error revealed by the analytical company comScore. She influenced the traffic of publishers in the period from 20 September to 30 November. At the moment the bug is eliminated. Now Facebook is working with comScore over the recovery of the real traffic in this period.

It is noted that the bug affected publishers that use Facebook integration with comScore and implemented HTTPS on their websites.

According to data from The Wall Street Journal, the majority of victims of publishers was affected less than 1% of traffic. With some of them, this proportion ranged from 10% to 20%.

The press service comScore and Facebook have not yet confirmed those numbers.

We will remind, in September it became known that the social network by 60-80% over the average duration of video viewing.

In November it emerged that Facebook had mistakenly calculated the average time that people spend reading "instant articles". As a result, the figures were inflated by 7-8%.

In the same month, Facebook announced a number of changes that will affect the measurement of advertising effectiveness and user behavior. Among them are the updating of metrics, the permission to use third-party Analytics services, and update the reporting interface, and others.

In December, the company announced that several indicators display incorrect data. In particular, they talked about the number of reactions to Live broadcasts and user engagement in interactions with links to third-party resources.

As noted by Marketing Land, reports of identified errors has undermined the confidence of marketers to Facebook and encouraged them to use third-party tools to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and content on the social network.

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