Now in Facebook users can search job

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Facebook has launched a new service that allows owners of business pages to post jobs and users to respond to them. First accessed to new job social network service by companies in the United States and Canada, reports ReCode.

Published jobs will see the page in the news feed and in a special section. If user interested in the ad, it will be able to respond to it by clicking the Apply Now.

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To speed up this process, Facebook will automatically specify in form of response personal information of the applicant. These data will be extracted from his profile on the social network.

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Employers will be able to answer requests received through the Messenger.

For a surcharge, company can increase the visibility of your vacancies for specific categories of users.

Before launching a new service, the social network Facebook interviewed small business owners in the United States and found that it is difficult to find appropriate people for recruitment. Moreover, the respondents noted that it is more important than attracting customers and increase sales. The new functionality is designed to solve this problem.

Previously, that the testing service for the publication of vacancies was started in November 2016.

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