Facebook is looking for a way to soften the impact of fake news

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Facebook search for a way to reduce the impact of fake news in that case, when they are already spread among users. About it told the Vice-President Adam Mosseri during the thematic debate that was held at the University of California, Berkeley.

Alternatively, FB can announce that the news was false retroactivly. This means that a notification may appear when a person has already read an fake news or shared such fake news.

"We want to prevent fake news in our system. However, if this happens, we must act as quickly as possible. If we are not able to avoid the dissemination of inaccurate information, we should inform users about it. The question is, who and how. I'm not sure that we implement this practice, but we're considering it", — said the head.

The term fake news is used to describe publications that introduce users to the false information.

The problem of the proliferation of fakes on the social network has become particularly relevant during the presidential election in the United States. According to Mosseri, Facebook began working on a solution to this issue about two years ago – before he became so sensitive.

"We did not observe a significant increase in the number of fake news during the election period. In fact, their number in the platform is relatively small, although I in no way do not deny the importance of this problem. The proportion of fakes has only a very small percentage of what people see. However, there should be even less. This figure should be close to zero", — said the head.

The main goal of social networks – to prevent fake news at Facebook, said Mosseri.

Recall that in December Facebook announced the introduction of a new mechanism for elimination of fake news.

And this month the company launched the Facebook Journalism Project. It includes three main areas: close cooperation with mass media and joint development of new products news for the social network, conducting trainings for journalists and training users in media literacy. The aim of the project – the fight against fake news.

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