Brainlabs developed a script to fill the empty ad groups in AdWords

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The member agencies of contextual advertising Brainlabs Daniel Gilbert shared a script that is designed to fill the empty ad groups in AdWords.

New year and Christmas is not far off. In predpraznichno time doctors ' workload increases, which can lead to errors. It is therefore important to automate everything that is possible to errors tracked and corrected.

Developed in Brainlabs is a script that automatically creates an advertisement, filling empty ad group. This allows advertisers to avoid losing valuable traffic.

It is important to note that the script generates a Declaration of a General nature. But the new ads are labeled, so you can easily find them and rewrite. Thanks to the script, the advertiser will be able to get clicks that otherwise would have been lost.

There is another option using a script. As you know, in the near future, Google will waive standard text ads. When this happens, the company did not specify. With the help of script you can add a detailed text ad in all ad groups in which there are no ads in this format.

To use the script, go to the tab Scripts in the AdWords account and add to it the following code.

Then change the following settings:

  • variables campaignNameContains and campaignNameDoesNotContain determine what campaigns will process the script. If campaignNameContains is ["Brand"], will be processed only those campaigns that incorporate a brand. If campaignNameDoesNotContain equal to ["Display"], a campaign whose title contains this word will be ignored.
    • Leave the square brackets [] empty to include in the sample all campaigns.
    • If you need to add double quotes in campaignNameContains or campaignNameDoesNotContain in front of them put a backslash.
  • Set ignorePausedCampaigns to "True" to the script to process only the active campaign, or "False" to also include a paused campaign.
  • Set ignorePausedAdGroups to "True" to exclude inactive ad groups or "False" to the script is processed and active or paused ad group.
  • checkedLabelName is a label which shows you which campaigns and ad groups, the script identified as not empty. This means that you can restart the script as many times as needed if the account is so large that the script ended prematurely. To run everything that contains this tag will be ignored. You can also manually tag your campaigns and ad groups, so that the script does not validate.
  • newAdLabelName is a label which is added to the maximized ad, which was created by the script.
  • If the value of the variable onlyLookForETAs set to "True", the script will create expanded text ads in those ad groups that contain ads for this ad size. If the selected variable value "False" the script will check if there are any in the group ad of any type – standard text or banner – and create a detailed announcement if the group is empty.
Below are six variables on the basis of which creates a new expanded ad:
  • headlinePart1 and headlinePart2 – headings (maximum length is 30 characters);
  • description – a description (maximum 60 characters).
  • finalUrl – the landing page. If the URL does not start with "http://", the script will add "http://" automatically.
  • urlPath1 and urlPath2 (maximum 15 characters) that appear in your display URL. This is not a required option. Leave the quotes "" blank if you do not want the way was shown.
The duration of one session of the script is 30 minutes. Therefore, if the account is large, you may need a few runs.

The script will also check the ad text that you added. In particular, the observance of limits on the number of characters and whether the text of a large number of exclamation marks.

However, AdWords can refuse the creation of ads for policy violations. Therefore, after the end of the script need to check the logs for messages about advertisements that have not been created. Please note that ad group, which could not create the ads will not be labeled, as they are still empty. In this case, you will need to change the ad text and re-run the script.

If you don't want to use the same template ad everywhere, you can run the script several times. Each time you will need to make corresponding changes in the value of the variable campaignNameContains to modify the template for these campaigns.

Recall that in Brainlabs also developed a script to conduct A/B testing and hourly bid adjustments in AdWords.

brainlabs script
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