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Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook were opposed Trump decree on migrants

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Major corporations in the USA sued the legal justification of its position against the decree of the President of Donald Trump to limit migration. As reports Reuters, the justification states that the decree limiting the entry of workers from abroad to the detriment of American businesses:

"The decree represents a significant departure from the principles of fairness and predictability that defined the immigration system of the United States for more than 50 years, the document says. — Decree of the President deviated from those principles and causes substantial harm to American business, innovation and growth".

Among corporations, the signatory legal justification, in addition to Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter, there is also Intel, eBay, Netflix, a taxi service Uber, the jeans manufacturer Levi Strauss, is all more a hundred subjects. Basically the document was signed by the company's technological sector, which attracted from abroad in skilled labor. They argue that the new immigration rules hamper recruitment and retention of employees and worsen the economic activities of companies. Therefore, the policy of the White House policy contributes to the transfer workflow outside the United States.

Previously that in his first days as President, Trump signed decrees, prescribing to restrict the issuance of visas and deny entry to refugees from Africa, the Middle East and Muslim countries. He also signed a decree for the construction of new barriers on the border with Mexico – the so-called Great Mexican Wall.

Immediately after the signing decree for the restriction of immigration of the Trump, Google urged their employees that are outside of the United States, to return to the country as soon as possible.

The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg also acted with criticism of the decree about refugees.

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There is a possibility to adjust the results for the base query (which corresponds to the value of the parameter q or as_q ) using a number of get-parameters of the format variable=value used in the URL of the page of search results after the substring /search? . The use of these parameters can be very useful when parsing search results.
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