AdWords has published guidance on draft campaigns and experiments

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Google AdWords have published official guidance for projects, campaigns and experiments.

The document also provides recommendations on how to effectively conduct testing. It includes the following items.

Decide what and how to test

  • Use draft campaigns and experiments in AdWords.
  • Focus on the most important levers, such as bidding strategies, or ad extensions.
  • Use other methods to test the things that projects, campaigns and experiments do not cover.

Create experiments that produce clear results

  • Test one variable at a time.
  • Design tests so that you can get statistically significant results as quickly as possible.
  • To assess the success of the experiment select one indicator.
  • Avoid making changes in the campaign during the experiments.

Analyze results and choose the winners

  • Wait until you gather enough data to you were confident in the results of the experiment.
  • Check the drop-down from the General level of values in the results of the experiment.
  • Implement what you have learned in the course of testing in your future campaigns.
  • Keep a record of the experiments.
The new guide is available in English only. You can access it here.

Recall that earlier this week, Google AdWords has also published an official guide on ads with SMS click-through.

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