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AdWords remind about transition to expanded text ad before 31 Jan 2017

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Google AdWords recalled that the transition to expanded text ads will be on 31 Jan 2017.

From this date advertisers will no longer be able to create standard text ads. The available display ads for this ad size will continue. Before to what date in company did not elaborate. Advertisers will also be able to suspend and remove ads.

In addition to reminders, AdWords also shared tips for effective text ads:

  • Create multiple versions of ads. Use at least 3-5 pieces per group.
  • Do not disable standard ads. You can't create a new one, but the existing will continue to appear. Do not remove them until until they stop receiving impressions or will lose relevance.
  • In the settings for ad rotation, select Optimize (clicks) or Optimization (conversion). These options allow the system often show ads with higher expected efficiency.
  • In testing, focus on headlines. They are the most important part of your ads.
  • Use shorter titles in the ads for branded queries. They assume that the user already knows about the company and he needs less information.
  • Use the previously effective creative new ads. Find out what already works and use it in the new ads.
  • Add keywords to more long headers, when appropriate.

Recall that Google AdWords has launched enhanced text ads for all advertisers in the summer of 2016.

First, the service had planned to move to a new format on October 26, 2016. However, in September he moved the date of transition to the later deadline of 31 January 2017.

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